

Her Poems
About Me
My Family
Friendz & Family
K && J PiiMPiiN!
How Ta Holla!!
To All The Homies Out There!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Luv Your Friend,

Shout outs to all my friends. Love Ya Much!!!!

Hey Ariana AKA Miss PJ.....You'll always be my best friend til the end and I'll miss you when I move to Hawaii.
                  Love always,

Phuong "Kiko"
Hey weenie!! wassap?! hope ur cool. stay up plz and don't ever change. best friend 4ever.
P.S. Dats a pic of jay chou 4 u....



Elmer "Elmer Fudd"
I'll always be ur friend and i don't want you to ever change cuhz if you do i'll cry. i'l miss you forever when i move but i'll e-mail you a lot and maybe call you lil bit 3 times every month. i'll do dat to all of my friends too. bye!!!
                    Love love love,


To Patty
Don't ever change otherwise i'll kick ur butt and i still love eminem more than you....
                           Love Always,


This is to my  sweet, hot boys Rodrick, Nestor, Chris, and Isaac:
Rodrick: Ur a great friend but you play too much sometimes and you don't know when to quit but thats one reason I like bein around you. Don't ever change.
Nestor:  Umm.....I don't really know wat to say but I can say you'll always be my friend and even though ur a lil pervert sometimes i like that about you.And you're the sexiest guy i  know.(hahaha!!!)
Chris:    Don't ever change cuhz you make me laugh all the time with ur "freaky" ways. Sometimes u get a lil too hyper and go over tha top but oh well. Don't ever change cuhz that would suck.
Isaac:  You'll always be my friend and don't ever change ever cuhz I like you just the way you are. And I'll miss you when i move.
                 Love Always and I'll Miss You Guys Sooooooooooo Much,

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Put ur e-mail or else!!
Put watchu think not wat n e 1 else thinx just u!
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